Weekly Fusion update :) - Bytesized Hosting
Weekly Fusion update :)
Hey guys,
Here is an other weekly update on the state of affairs.
The server has been more stable since the last changes I rolled out although the download speeds suffered a bit because of this. I updated the configs further on Saturday and that cranked up the download but also put more pressure on the server. I might do some more tweaking during the week where your Deluge instances might go down for a few minutes at most.
We've been listening to your feedback and are working on adding in a lower tier plan. This plan will probably be introduced two weeks after the official start of the Fusion boxes. The reason we don't launch with this plan is that we need a few weeks to make final adjustments to the new server this also helps us control the server more easily during the first few weeks.
In the beginning of October we will receive the new server which will be the first production server for the Fusion based plans. Until we get this server you are free to keep using your Beta accounts on the old server. I will give at least a two day heads-up when the server is going to expire so be sure to keep an eye on twitter and the news on the fusion site.
We will organise a special deal for people who want to go for a 1TB plan or higher. In the next few weeks I will add a option to the site where you can flag your account for upgrade. If you flag it and pay the invoice I will manually move your account over to the new server. This won't be available for the lowest tier plan when it becomes available. Consider this a butler service.
Keep having fun and telling us about your experiences :)
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