Welcome to the new site! - Bytesized Hosting

Welcome to the new site!


  • You can now select the devices you want to push to with PushBullet
  • Bandwidth reset on doesn't account for multiple renewal periods yet.
  • All Streambox app installations should be under 2 minutes now. If it takes longer, open a ticket.
  • Initial support for Pushbullet has now been enabled. You can enable it via settings. Top right corner. More later.
  • Bandwidth resets at should be back on the box page
  • Some Streambox communication messages sometimes were lost for a while. This should now be fixed.
  • Firefox issues with tickets should be fixed. Emails should be send out again (some somewhat delayed)
  • We ran out of emails, some messages were delayed
  • Managed boxes should have auto-updating quotas back
  • The updates continue, noteably bug was that the bandwidth available rounded down, this should now be fixed.

Original post

Hey guys,

If you are reading this you should be on the new website. Please browse around and see if you can find everything.

As of now I'm still hot-fixing things that are creeping up here and there and since Max is jet-lagged in a different continent expect the ticket replies to be delayed until I got my control over everything back.

If you see any bugs, that did not generate an error by itself, please create a private ticket with a description so I can use it as a to-do list.

I will update again when everything is stable!



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