Looking for streamers in Asia, Australia or NZ - Bytesized Hosting

Looking for streamers in Asia, Australia or NZ

Hey guys,

I'm currently testing a +Stream based server from Singapore to help out routing issues, and thus streaming performance. I'm looking for around ten members on a +Stream plan that are located in Asia, Australia or NZ that want to help me test out the routing from Singapore to their local ISPs. We only need people who can actually devote time to play with this server and have extended experience with Plex.

If you are interested please raise a private ticket with the topic "Singapore test" and please add the following points:

  • Your ISP and location (Country / City)
  • The download speed of this file: singapore.bysh.me/100mb.test
  • The single threaded FTP speed to your current server
  • Whether or not you can actually stream successfully at this point

We will deploy these testers a free account on a Singapore server with 200GB storage and 500GB upload. (Bandwidth is 7 times more expensive in Singapore...) The account should be active until the end of January.

Let me know! :)


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