Alpha test - Part II - Bytesized Hosting

Alpha test - Part II

Hey guys,

There is a new Alpha test starting for the SSD/HDD hybrids. This time around the plan runs on new code and has a new ability: Dynamically scaling the amount of storage and CPUs for the plan.

The test will work the same: you can get a free account, with free "boosts" of disk storage and CPU that will run until the 21st of April (with a possibility of an extension after that time).

Every day new slots open up to ramp up the testing over time.

I'm mostly interested in the harddisk (download/upload speeds) performance difference between our traditional plans and this SSD/HDD hybrid.

Only one account can be activated per user so don't try to order multiple :)

If you have time to actually use the account you can sign-up here

As always the same warnings apply: This is a free account, things might explode, there is no warranty or support on it. You also give permission for me to check up on your processes to see how the performance behaves. :)


People who create an account but don't use it will be pruned to make room for people who will use it. We need actual test data and not idling accounts that give a false sense of performance.




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