Deluge - Bytesized Hosting Wiki


** this page is written for older version of Deluge < 2.0* Name:* Deluge Website: Added on: 10th of June 2014 # Description Bytesized's favorite torrent client. #### Version management Static version support. You get the option of choosing which version you want to install when you install the app. New versions are usually added within a week after release. # Changelog 23th of July 2014 This update moves away from the traditional 'move on completed' action. Deluge will now always download to torrents/data. This will help reseeding and cross-seeding ease of use. 21th of July 2014 FileBot now gets triggered even without assigning a label to it. It should ignore non-movies/tv content and only link the correct content. 19th of July 2014 Deluge has been switched to using FileBot to index/rename files by default now. To make content show up in Plex now just give it a movies or tv label. It will automatically be renamed to a Plex supported format after the download has been completed. LabelPlus is disabled by default but if you enable it you can use it as before this App update. 13th March 2015 Updated guide to running two separate daemons on the same box. # Tips and tricks ## Transdroid Setting up Transdroid is fairly easy. * Servertype: Deluge 1.2+ * IP/Domain: Your * Username: Your lowercased username * Password: Your deluge password * Deluge Web Password: Your deluge password * Advanced settings port-> Your deluge web port. Make sure your web-interface is connected to the daemon or else Transdroid won't work. ## Update Deluge App If you wish to update Deluge App to the latest version (presently 1.3.15) you can do the following. Open ~/.bysh_versions and edit the version from present version (1.3.x) to 1.3.15 then save the file. Next, from your boxes Account Details page, Stop the Deluge App and then Start the Deluge App. The app should now be updated. If you always want to be on the latest available version Bytesized offers you can also type in latest. ## Disable auto-renaming (FileBot) of media If you don't want your files analysed and renamed, extracted on download you can do the following. Open ~/.config/deluge/ and look for the part that looks like: &#x000A;scriptOptions = {&#x000A; &#39;whitelist&#39;: []&#x000A; ..more stuff here&#x000A;}&#x000A; Change &#39;whitelist&#39;: [] to &#39;whitelist&#39;: [&#39;tagged&#39;]. Now Filebot will only analyse torrents that have the 'tagged' label assigned to them. Of course you can name the label anything you want. ## Deluge & Plex with LabelPlus This is a deprecated method. You can just use normal labels; "tv" and "movies" now to use the FileBot approach. Deluge and Plex can also us the LabelPlus to help index files. The files won't be renamed so there is a decreased chance Plex will be able to pick it up with this method. First enable the LabelPlus plugin via settings then do the following. * Add a torrent * Right-mouse click on the torrent go to LabelPlus and select either Tv or Movies depending on your content. Example * Plex will automatically pick up the torrent once it's done downloading. ### Autolabels It's also possible for LabelPlus to automatically set labels based on the name of torrent or the tracker. This only works via the thin client however so make sure you configure the thin client and install the LabelPlus plugin locally. Once that's done go to the LabelPlus tab and right-mouse one of your labels and select "Label Options". Press the autolabel tab and select how you want to filter. For instance if you have a tracker that is called "canigetsomepopcorn" you can set it up like this to match all torrents from this tracker. Of course there are more possibilities so play around with it :) ## Multiple Deluge Daemons While the awesome app installer handles a single instance of deluge flawlessly, there isn't an easy way for running another descrete instance of the deluged daemon. This can be done from SSH however. Note: You'll only be able to start and stop this daemon from the command line. If you're not confortable with that, don't do it. ### Step 1: duplicate config directory First you'll need to create a copy of your ~/.config/deluge/ folder. Do this from a file manager or from ssh &#x000A;cp -r ~/.config/deluge ~/.config/deluge2&#x000A; Note: if you already have torrents in an instance of deluge which you do not wish duplicate on the second daemon, you'll want to remove them from the ~/.config/deluge/state directory. Again, use your file manager or from ssh &#x000A;rm ~/.config/deluge2/state/*&#x000A; ### Step 2: alter the listening ports for daemon and WebUI Because we can't have 2 daemons listening on the same port, we have to change the port. In your new config directory open ~/.config/deluge2/core.confand find &#x000A;&#x000A; &quot;daemon_port&quot;: ####,&#x000A;&#x000A;Change this number. Incriment it by 1, etc.&#x000A;&#x000A;Next we&#39;ll change the WebUI port&#x000A;&#x000A;locate web_port further down the core.conf file. &#x000A;&#x000A; &quot;web_port&quot;: ####,&#x000A;&#x000A;Do the same here, incriment by 1.&#x000A;&#x000A;### Step 4: Start deluged and tell it to look for this new directory&#x000A;&#x000A;Now that we&#39;ve made a new directory, deluged needs to know where to find it. Thakfully, the deveolpers have included a command line syntax just for this occasion. Start deluged this way:&#x000A;&#x000A;&#x000A;deluged --config ~/.config/deluge2&#x000A;&#x000A;&#x000A;Do this once, if you receive an error stating that there is already a daemon running using this config directory, first check you have targeted the correct file with the above command, then enter the following into the terminal.&#x000A;&#x000A;&#x000A;killall deluged&#x000A;&#x000A;then&#x000A;&#x000A;deluged --config ~/.config/deluge2&#x000A;&#x000A;and it should not present any errors.&#x000A;&#x000A;**NOTE** - This would have also killed your primary deluge daemon, restart this as normal from the Bytesized Dashboard.&#x000A;&#x000A;### Step 5: Configure Auth File&#x000A;&#x000A;Following this deluged will create a auth file in your .config/deluge folder, open it and it should read local client:(identifier key here):10. Leave this intact and on the second line insert your choice of username and password in the same format.&#x000A;&#x000A;&#x000A;username:password:10&#x000A;` save the changes. ### Using this Daemon Connect to your new daemon the from the GUI or WebUI the same way as always, using the same address but with the new port no. and the username and password you defined in the auth file. Profit. ## Troubleshooting ### I see download speeds of 100MB/s fall to sub 10MB/s and then going back up again. Deluge uses it's own internal caching mechanism. Deluge handles this by first filling it's own internal cache, this is when you see 100MB/s. When it's cache is full it will stop requesting pieces from the swarm while it flushes it's cache to disk, this is when you will see speeds fall down. Once the cache has been flushed to disk it will start downloading again going back to the 100Mb/s. rTorrent uses linux caching and doesn't have this 'problem'. However benchmarking shows that Deluge is still faster even with this weird quirk. ### Deluge disk space counter Deluge comes with a built in disk space counter. This counter is built with a single user in mind which is not applicable on managed boxes. The box dashboard disk space counter is the only source of truth for all your disk space needs. ### Web interface password change Deluge uses a password to protect access to the web interface. By default, it is the one displayed on the box dashboard. You can change it from the Deluge web interface : go to Preferences->Interface and use the old/new password form. ## Browser Addons ### Chrome #### Remote Torrent Adder You can configure Remote Torrent Adder in the following way: Add Server Give it a name - Example: Bytesized - Deluge Select Deluge WebUI press Add Host Example: "" (Do not include /deluge/ here) Port - 80 - Leave SSL unchecked. Username - Your username. Password - Your Deluge password. Relative Path - Here you put /deluge With this done, when you are browsing and if the plugin detects a torrent download link on a page, it will show the plugin icon in your address bar (green icon). If you click a .torrent download link, it should be automatically added to your deluge intsance. Creating a .torrent file using your command line Get your personal tracker details from your private tracker (Something like ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##To make a .torrent file using command line, execute this command mktorrent -v -p -a http://tracker.url -o filename.torrent folder_name -v is for verbose -p is for private, as in not DTH or PeerExchange -a is for tracker url follows -o is for output file name follows . Important! The command needs to be all in one line, and quotes must be used around the folder name if it contains spaces. For example, if I wanted to make a torrent for Outgrowing God: A Beginner’s Guide by Richard Dawkins from the data in the "Richard Dawkins - Outgrowing God A Beginners Guide" directory Which aleady exists on my seedbox at ~/torrents/data/Richard Dawkins - Outgrowing God A Beginners Guide, navigate to the parent directory to make your torrent. If the file does not exist, then upload it via FTP, to the directory your torrents are stored in. Once the torrent is listed in your client, announce it to your tracker. The you can go to your media folder and rename the episodes if you like. Log into your seedbox via putty... cd ~/torrents/data Then type the following command: mktorrent -v -p -a -o Richard_Dawkins-Outgrowing_God_A_Beginners_Guide.torrent "Richard Dawkins - Outgrowing God A Beginners Guide" Download a copy of the .torrent file (it will be in your torrents/data directory, you can delete the one from your server) Now go to your trackers upload page, upload it and fill in the torrent details, category, name, NFO, description, image, bitrate etc. Go to your torrent client and update your tracker. Any amendments welcome.

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jsitowski 57 Tue, 14 Jan 2025 00:58:56 +0100