Ombi - Bytesized Hosting Wiki

Details ---- Name: Ombi Website: # Description Ombi is a self-hosted web application that automatically gives your shared Plex or Emby users the ability to request content by themselves! Ombi can be linked to multiple TV Show and Movie DVR tools to create a seamless end-to-end experience for your users. ### Configure Ombi with... #### Plex You can connect Ombi with you Plex server in order to sync what content that's available, as well as sending notifications to the requestor when a requested elements is available. 1. Login to Ombi as an administrator. Go to Settings. 2. Open the Media Server menu item, and select Plex. 3. Click the Add Server button 4. Enter your username and passord, and click the Load Servers button. 5. Select the server in the Servers dropdown that appears. 6. Verify that all the fields was automatically filled - especially Hostname or IP, Port, Authentication token and Machine identifier. 7. Click the Test Connectivitybutton to verify that you have a successful connection. 8. Remember to enable the integration before you click Submit! #### Sonarr (v3) In order to request TV shows in Sonarr from Ombi, you have to follow these steps: ###### Gather Sonarr settings 1. Open Sonarr and login as an administrator. 2. Go to Settings, then General, in the left menu. 3. Note down the values of the following fields: - Port Number - URL Base - normally /sonarr - API Key ###### Setting up Ombi 1. Login to Ombi as an administrator. Go to Settings 2. Open the TV menu item, and select Sonarr 3. Check both the Enable, and the v3 checkbox! 4. In the Hostnamefield, enter the servers domain name (the URL without http(s)) - Example: 5. In the Portfield, add the value from the Port Number field in Sonarr 6. Now we should enter the Sonarr API Key. Add the value you noted from the API Key field in the Sonarr settings 7. Make sure the SSL checkbox remains unchecked! 8. Add the value from the URL Base in Sonarr into the Sonarr Base Url field in Ombi. 9. Click the Test Connectivity button to verify that we have made contact with Sonarr! 10. Before you submit, make sure that you load Qualities, Folders and Languages, and select a value from the list. These settings allows you to set the default quality profile the user is allowed to request TV shows from. ** Not sure what to choose? ** - For "Qualities", Any should work fine as a start. - The "Default Root Folders" field should be set to the /media/TV Shows directory. - "Language Profile" should be default to English, if that's your choosen language in Sonarr. - Make sure the Enable Season folder checkbox is checked. 11. Last, but not least - remember to press the Submit button. #### Radarr ###### Gather Radarr settings 1. Open Radarr and login. 2. Open Settings, then to to theGeneral tab. 3. Note down the values in the following fields: - Port Number - URL Base - normally /radarr - API Key (click the small clipboard icon on the right) ###### Setting up Ombi 1. Login to Ombi as an administrator. Go to Settings 2. Open the Movies menu item, and select Radarr 3. Check the Enable checkbox 4. In the Hostnamefield enter the servers domain name (the URL without https) - Example: 5. In the Portfield, add the value from the Port Number field in Radarr 6. Then, enter the API Key you copied from Radarr into the API Key field. 7. Make sure the SSL checkbox remains unchecked! 8. Add the value from the URL Base in Radarr into the Base Url field in Ombi. 9. Click the Test Connectivity button to verify that we have made contact with Sonarr! 10. Before you submit, make sure that you load Quality Profiles and Root Folders, and select a value from the lists to the left of them. These settings allows you to set the default quality profile the user is allowed to request Movies shows from. ** Not sure what to choose? ** - For "Quality Profiles", Any should work fine as a start. Remember that 4K and 3D movies can be large in file size! - The "Default Root Folders" field should be set to the /media/Movies directory. - The "Default Minimum Availability" field is fine beeing set to Announced 11. Last, but not least - remember to press the Submit button before you exit the page. ### How to update Ombi for existing installations New Ombi doesn't have an automatic updater so we created a manual one. In order to update your Ombi, go to your Box dashboard , under Ombi app Actions dropdown menu pick Upgrade Ombi. This will update your Ombi to the latest version available. # Troubleshooting #### Plex Connection Failure If Ombi fails to connect to your Plex server, ensure the "Secure Connections" setting is either Preferred or Disabled. It may fail to connect if set to Enforced.

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Pete 21 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 07:25:31 +0100