Remote Torrent Adder - Bytesized Hosting Wiki

Remote Torrent adder

First you need to install it from Chrome web store.

You can configure Remote Torrent Adder for ruTorrent and Deluge:


Add Server

Give it a name - Example: Bytesized - Deluge

Select Deluge WebUI press Add

Host Example: ""

Port - Deluge Web port here

  • Leave SSL unchecked.

Username - Your username.

Password - Your Deluge password.

Relative Path - leave it blank

With this done, when you are browsing and if the plugin detects a torrent download link on a page, it will show the plugin icon in your address bar (green icon). If you click a .torrent download link, it should be automatically added to your deluge instance.


Add Server

Give it a name - Example: Bytesized - ruTorrent

Select ruTorrent WebUI press Add.

Host Example: "' (do not include /rutorrent here)

Port - 443

SSL - Tick the box

Username - Your username

Password - Your rTorrent password

Relative Path - /rutorrent

With this done, when you are browsing and if the plugin detects a torrent download link on a page, it will show the plugin icon in your address bar (green icon). If you click a .torrent download link, it should be automatically added to your ruTorrent instance.

Last Author Contributors Versions Last update
tiydal None 6 Fri, 14 May 2021 15:46:39 +0200