Rtorrent - Bytesized Hosting Wiki
Name: Rtorrent with ruTorrent
rTorrent: https://rakshasa.github.io/rtorrent/
ruTorrent: https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent
Updated: 3rd of August 2017
# Description
rTorrent is a powerful and lightweight command line BitTorrent client.
ruTorrent is NOT a client, it is only an rTorrent frontend (WebUI).
# Version management
Static versions, selectable during app installation. New versions will usually be added within a month after the release.
# Screenshots
# Tips and tricks
## Using rTorrent directly
rTorrent is running in a tmux session. Just use tmux attach to connect to it.
## Disable Filebot
Edit ~/.config/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc
by using nano
or vim
or download it via FTP and upload it back. You can simply comment out the last line by adding an extra #
The line should read


Make that


Instead, please realize that this does stop your content from showing up in Plex.
## Changing password for ruTorrent
Login to your box using SSH or using terminal on VNC and type
htpasswd -b $HOME/www/rutorrent/.htpasswd USERNAME PASSWORD
of course replacing the USERNAME
with the correct values.
## Installing additional ruTorrent plugins
warning Plugins can slow down ruTorrent so keep in mind that adding more plugins can change your user experience.
After you have found the plugin you want to install, unpack it to ~/www/rutorrent/plugins/
directory. After it is installed, reload the page for the plugin to be initiated.
Note Check if the plugin has external package dependencies. If you get an error saying "Cannot access XXX" on ruTorrent page reload, that usually means that a package needs to be installed. At that point raise a ticket with full error so we can resolve the problem
## RSS plugin refresh time
By default, ruTorrent RSS checks for new feeds every 30 minutes.
To change that, navigate to the ruTorrent settings button(gear icon, next to question mark).
Find the feed
option and change that to desired update interval.
Note check with your trackers what the acceptable update interval is, some trackers will ban you if an RSS feed is updated too often!
## Setting up Transdroid
Most details for Transdroid are very straight forward. Just fill in the server name and your ruTorrent username and password.
| Setting | Value
| ------------- |-------------|
|IP or Domain |username.servername.bysh.me |
|Servertype | rTorrent |
| Username | Your username |
|Password| Your rTorrent password |
Then go to "Advanced settings" and set your "SCGI mount point" to /rutorrent/plugins/httprpc/action.php
## Using Whitelisting
You can enable whitelisting support by changing your ~/.config/rtorrent/filebot
to the following:

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
# Subtitle language
if [[ $TORRENT_LABEL == "TV" ]] || [[ $TORRENT_LABEL == "Movies" ]]
 filebot -script /opt/filebot/amc.groovy --def music=$MUSIC --def skipExtract=$SKIP_EXTRACT -non-strict --encoding utf8 --def ut_kind=multi --log all --log-file amc.log --def "ut_dir=$TORRENT_PATH" "ut_title=$TORRENT_NAME" --output "$HOME/media" --action symlink --conflict override --def subtitles=$SUBLANG --def artwork=false --def extractfolder="$HOME/torrents/extracted" &

Feel free to edit TV
and Movies
to other labels.
## Enabling file deletion in RuTorrent webgui
Add the following line to the config file at ~/.config/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc
, then restart app.
method.set_key = event.download.erased,delete_erased,"execute=rm,-rf,--,$d.base_path="
# Troubleshooting
ERROR: Bad response from server: (500 [error,list]) Link to XMLRPC failed. May be, rTorrent is down?
-This error means that rTorrent is not running. Navigate to your installed applications and restart rTorrent.
ERROR: Bad response from server: 502 Bad Gateway
This error shows that the web server failed to return the requested data in a timely manner.
Steps to take in this case:
1. Check if your internet connection is experiencing difficulties
1. Reload the ruTorrent page
1. Wait for a few minutes
1. Try restarting rtorrent app, there is a possibility rtorrent is stuck
Last Author | Contributors | Versions | Last update |
Pete | 46 | Mon, 06 Jan 2025 07:25:13 +0100 |