Tvdb - Bytesized Hosting Wiki

TVDB Issues

Due to recent changes to API lot's of things got broken. More about it you can read in this news post.

This short wiki is created for some tips and trick on how to fix the issues caused by TVDB api change.

Filebot issues:

We added Filebot as an app for quick fix of these issues which you can install via Install Application button. You will need to buy a license from Filebot which you can find in their home page.

Once you have the license in your "hands" you will need to copy paste the complete license in the license data empty space when you're installing Filebot.

That file should look like this:


You need to copy/paste the complete file and it needs to be in this format. If you copy paste only the half of it, filebot will not be activated. Also if you copy/paste it and all text is in one line, again Filebot won't accept it as a proper license.

If you made sure that you followed these steps and still having issues, please raise a ticket.

Plex issues:

Plex has also been affected by the TVDB recent API changes. Do note that these issues are between TheTVDB and Plex, so we can't do much about it until they fix the issue. So even if you have the latest paid Filebot version. You will notice that new files added (TV shows are affected by it) won't have any artwork. A temporary fix that we found is to go to your Plex Settings >Agents > Shows and under TheTVDB pick The Movie Database. Also make sure you move it on top of the list.

Sickchill issues:

For those who use Sickchill post-processing script instead of Filebot . Sickchill has been affected by this as well. Which means that the issue is between Sickchill and TheTVDB. Our suggestion in this case is to either wait until TheTVDB and Sickchill fix their issues. Or switch to Filebot post processing which is working well if you have the latest version with paid License.

Sonarr/Radarr issues:

So far we didn't had reports about Sonarr/Radarr post process not working however that doesn't mean that it does so if you're noticing these issues on Sonarr/Radarr please let us know so that we can update this wiki.

Last Author Contributors Versions Last update
Pete None 5 Mon, 06 Jan 2025 07:28:41 +0100