webVNC disabled, VNC still working - Bytesized Hosting

webVNC disabled, VNC still working

Hi all,

as some of you have noticed, webVNC access has been removed from Seedboxes. This was used as a quick connection to VNC and was intended to be a simple shortcut to the VNC server.

However, this uses Java in background and it is heavily dependent on Java version used on the users machine. What this means is that some users have Java 6, others have Java 7 and so on which causes very unpredictable behaviour which is tightly dependent on the users machine.

This has caused too much confusion in the past we decided to not give up and power though it explaining anyone who had an issue what the problem is.

Sadly, with the release of Java 8 and upgrades going from 7 to 8 the number of issues increased and what is worse the possibility of us helping out shrank.

This is why we decided to remove the webVNC option from the dashboards and leave connecting with VNC client as the only option. Please see the wiki article about vnc on how to connect to VNC.

Thanks for understanding!


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