The return of the Appbox +Elastic and a new VPS plan - Bytesized Hosting

The return of the Appbox +Elastic and a new VPS plan


Today I have two new plans I want to share with you.

Appbox +Elastic

The first one is a re-imagination of an earlier plan we tried, some of the older members might remember it, the Appbox +Elastic! The idea of the +Elastic is that you can tweak all specifications of the box to suit your needs.

The base plan gives you 50GB of super fast RAID-0 SSD storage, 2TB of bandwidth and 1 transcode for 8 EUR. Now the good part is you can tweak all of these stats.

  • Want to use a cloud provider and get some more Plex transcodes? Configure PlexDrive or Rclone cache and add two more CPUs in the mix for 2 EUR.
  • Want to have more affordable storage space for your content? Add a Flexdisk for 0.007 EUR per GB.
  • Want access to more super fast SSD storage and bandwidth? Add direct attached SSD storage at 0.15 EUR per GB and bandwidth for 1 EUR per TB.
  • Just want an entry level Appbox? Keep the base plan! :)

You can go here to play with the options and see what your ideal plan would cost.

As always this is an early plan and the cost for the various boosts will probably change over the course of the Beta. If you don't like this idea wait until the plan and the boosts are final. As always you are a big part of feedback loop so if you do end up using the plan be sure to give us your feedback!


For the (wannabe) linux experts we also have a new plan. A year ago we introduced the new KVM VPSs hosted at Leaseweb. These servers came with full support with Bytesized Connect out of the box. This time around we are introducing an VPS that has a lower cost of entry.

The BYSH-VPS (Yes I know, my plan naming skills have gone downhill lately) is hosted by us in our Interxion datacenter, comes with rerouting support, 10Gbit uplinks and RAID-10 storage and starts at 11 EUR for 400GB of storage, 1GB dedicated RAM (512MB burst) and 2 Xeon vCPUs.

New network provider

Both these new plans are hosted by a new partner; Yisp. Yisp has one of the largest networks in the Netherlands and has a rerouting feature to improve connectivity even further. You can download the Yisp rerouting application for Windows, Linux or OS X to check your fastest route and do a speedtest.

Have fun and let us know your thoughts.


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