Cardigann - Bytesized Hosting Wiki

Cardigann is a replacement for Jackett, used as a Torznab wrapper to search torrent sites that aren't supported in Sickrage/Sickbeard/Sonarr etc.

Install Cardigann, login, and you will see the following things:

Top right: your API key, you will need this to attach to your PVR software.

Middle: Add Indexer dropdown box.

Add a few indexers, some dont need usernames and passwords to function. Once you have a few setup, you will see a list of your indexers, with the feed, state and actions.

You can either attach one indexer at a time to your PVR, or you can use the "all indexers" feed.

To add a Cardigann proxy to your PVR software, you want to add a new custom Torznab entry.

Name it whatever you like, and input your feed url, and your API key. Note, due to a bug in Cardigann, it will list the full url for any feed except for the "All indexers" feed. All indexers will show up as "/torznab/aggregate" You simply need to append that to your servers url and port, as seen in the full tracker url's.

Here is an example I setup for The Pirate Bay:

http://{MY SERVER ADDRESS}:{MY PORT}/torznab/thepiratebay

Here is an example of the All indexers

http://{MY SERVER ADDRESS}:{MY PORT}/torznab/aggregate

How to update Cardigann

In order to update your Cardigann you will need login into your SSH via terminal or Putty/Kitty(for Windows).

Do note that this only works for Cardigann installations after 20th of October and this method requires a reinstall to work if it's before that date.

  • To update on the latest unstable version you need to type :

~/apps/cardigann/cardigann update --channel=edge

  • To Update on the latest stable version you need to type:

~/apps/cardigann/cardigann update

Once you finished with the update, you will have to reboot Cardigann!

Last Author Contributors Versions Last update
Pete None 35 Thu, 06 Mar 2025 09:37:45 +0100