How To Use Labels To White Black List Torrents With Filebot - Bytesized Hosting Wiki

How to use labels to white/black-list torrents with filebot

Whitelist - files that are labeled will be processed

Blacklist - files that are labeled won't be processed.


In order to edit your filebot you need to connect to your SSH via terminal or via Kitty if you are on Windows OS. Make sure your downloading client is shutdown.

If you are on Windows Operating System , make sure you use a proper editor like Notepad++ so that the files work on Linux.



See the instructions for the official Deluge plugin.


Open ~/.config/rtorrent/filebot and add the lines around the filebot script as shown below:


Now Filebot will only analyse torrents that have the 'whitelist' label assigned to them. Of course you can name the label anything you want.



See the instructions for the official Deluge plugin.


Open ~/.config/rtorrent/filebot and add the lines around the filebot script as shown below:


Now Filebot will analyse torrents that dont have the 'blacklist' label assigned to them. Of course you can name the label anything you want.

Last Author Contributors Versions Last update
Maran None 7 Tue, 09 Mar 2021 22:28:24 +0100